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Dipl.-Ing. Hannah Knoop




Hannah Knoop [Dipl.-Ing. Architektin MAS ETH gta] is research assistant at the architectural theory department of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) since September 2019. She studied architecture at the TU Munich (TUM) and ETSA Madrid (ETSAM) and furthermore architecture theory at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture of ETH Zurich (gta ETHZ). Since her architectural studies, she has worked in German and Swiss architectural offices. In 2017 she joined studioeuropa (Munich|Vienna) as an architect, with whom she won first prize in the program competition for the reconstruction of the Bauakademie Berlin, amongst others. The collaboration still consists in free cooperation. She has worked and researched at the gta of ETH Zurich and at the TU Kaiserslautern as a research assistant. With her MAS thesis at the ETH gta (Architecture in the «Vita activa», the Active life. Kenneth Frampton’s «The Status of Man and the Status of his Objects» as a reception of Hannah Arendt’s The Human Condition/ Vita activa) as basis she is working on an independent research project, which she presents and discusses in national and international conferences as speaker and participant. With the beginning of her academic collaboration in the field of architectural theory at the KIT, this becomes a doctoral project on the dimension of the political, social and intellectual in architecture.



Hans Bernoulli: So wird Warschau wieder aufgebaut (1947), in: Claus, Sylvia und Lukas Zurfluh (Hg.): Städtebau als politische Kultur. Der Architekt und Theoretiker Hans Bernoulli, Zürich: gta Verlag, 2019.

Handeln im Öffentlichen Raum, in: Fachbereich Architektur Jahrbuch 2019, Kaiserslautern 2018.

Schieflage. Elf Vertreter aus Baubranche, Politik und Verwaltung diskutierten am 9. März 2018 in München den Mangel an leistbarem Wohnraum in Deutschland, in: archithese (online, 25.03.2018)

Ein Tag mit John Hejduk, in: archithese (online, 25.05.2016)

Dezente Dialoge. Am 20. April wurden 17 Volcanoes, John Hejduk und Drawings by OFFICE Keersten Geers David van Severen auf dem Hönggerberg eröffnet, in: archithese (online, 21.04.2016)



Architects as Public Intellectuals – how far beyond can we go?, International Conference, Research Perspectives in Architecture, Department of Architecture TU Munich, 4.-5.07.2019.

Raum & Welt. Hannah Arendt architektonisch gelesen: Anmerkungen zur politischen und gesellschaftlichen Dimension in der Architektur, Wahr Gut Schön. …oder wonach entwerfen, gestalten, formen wir unser Leben? Evangelische Akademie Tutzing in Kooperation mit Werkbund Bayern, Werkbund Baden-Württemberg, 3.-5.05.2019.

Wiedererrichtung der Bauakademie Berlin als Nationale Bauakademie, Beitrag Programmwettbewerb, Ernst-Reuter-Haus, Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung, Berlin, 20.06.2019 mit Sophie Reiner (studioeuropa).

Research process as genesis. A subjective report in reference to Hannah Arendt, Prozesse/Processes Entwerfen und Forschen in Architektur und Landschaftsarchitektur LU Hannover, 12.-14.04-2018.

The Architecture in the making. Skill Center Nairobi, Crafted. 12th international Alvar Aalto Symposium. Jyväskylä, Finnland, 10-12.08-2012.